Editor in chief of ENECT, director of a certified non-profit called Fuku-shima-30-year Project located in Fukushima city, and an accomplished artist. Graduated from School of Visual Arts. Lived in NY from 1996 to 2001, and in Fukushima City from 2012 to 2015. Received the 33rd Japan Society for Cooperative Association 2013 Award for Cooperation.
In Fukushima, Yuta Hirai was a visiting researcher at Fukushima University and cooperated with JA Shin Fukushima (name at that time) and the Fukushima Prefectural Consumers' Cooperative Federation in measuring radioactive substances contained in farmland in Fukushima City. Through these efforts, the relationship between the underlying energy issues and the sustainability of society were deepened.
In 2020, became an COO of Terp Tokyo.
Author of Fukushima, Biocracy (both SEEDS Publishing / 2015, 2016), Kyo-jin to Kyo-jin (Tatsumi Publishing, 2016). Co-authored Re-generation of Agriculture and Food Safety (Shin Nihon Shuppansha, 2013).
Solo exhibition From Here to Fame (HEIGHT Harajuku, 2005), Biocracy (Koenji Garter, 2016). Group exhibition Atomic Field (Tomo no Tsu Museum, 2017), If Only Radiation Had Color: The Era of Fukushima (X & BEYOND Copenhagen, 2017), Biocracy (Hajimari-no-Museum, 2018), Seizan Iizaka Onsen Arts Festival SIAF 2018 (Ryokan Seizan, 2018)
School of Visual Arts卒。1996~2001年NY在住、2012~15年福島市在住。2013年度第33回日本協同組合学会実践賞受賞。
個展「From Here to Fame」(HEIGHT原宿、2005)、「ビオクラシー」(高円寺Garter、2016)。グループ展「原子の現場」(鞆の津ミュージアム、2017)、「If Only Radiation Had Color: The Era of Fukushima」(X & BEYOND コペンハーゲン、2017)、「ビオクラシー」(はじまりの美術館、2018)、「清山飯坂温泉芸術祭 SIAF2018」(旅館清山、2018)